I began my internship at Microsoft in 2017 and continued for a year. I'm pleased to have joined the IoT Innovation Center in its second year, where I played a role in fostering the implementation of IoT solutions.
IoT Smart Office Application
(Illustrating IoT technology and applications through real-life scenarios)
Demonstrated facial recognition technology through a scenario where a door lock is opened via command transmission. The presentation further illustrated data visualization and provided an overall explanation of the concept and applications of IoT.
2017 IoT Expo
Empowered Smart Retail IoT solutions and engaged with 80+ industry professionals in the 2017 Microsoft IoT Expo
The 2017 Microsoft IoT Expo focused on how IoT technology drives digital transformation in enterprises. It brought together over a thousand domestic and international companies from 32 countries across the globe, showcasing a diverse range of IoT-related applications.
Redesign IoT Innovation Center official website
Redesigned official website by UIUX, prototyping and JQuery, HTML, and CSS; drove a 60% increase in subscriptions